

Why have most training programs not met the expectations of companies?

8 de May de 2024by Cibele Abud0

Annually, companies make considerable investments in the training of leaders, talents, and the entire workforce, covering a wide range of topics. These investments aim to develop essential skills to survive in a world where the speed of change occurs in a geometric progression. Additionally, they aim to equip people to leverage the growth and future of the company, meet legal requirements, and address behavioral gaps that may be misaligned with the organization’s culture and purpose. In short, the reasons for companies to continue investing time and financial resources in training and development are abundant. However, the crucial question arises: are board members, top management, and human resources satisfied with the results obtained in recent years?

To understand this disconnect between the offering of training and the desired business results, it is imperative to adopt a multifocal perspective. We highlight three key factors contributing to this contemporary phenomenon.

  1. Off-the-Shelf Training and the Need for Customization

    The growing inefficiency of off-the-shelf training, even from reputable consulting firms and academies, is noteworthy. Each company and individual has unique needs, requiring customized solutions. The secret to effective training lies in the pre-event phase, where alignment of expectations, diagnostics, identification of pain points, and understanding the audience profile are crucial. Managers should prioritize this phase, recognizing that true success lies in preparation, customizing content according to the organization’s real demands.

  2. Disconnection from Company Strategy and Culture

    Effective consulting must deeply understand the strategy, culture, and values of the client company. If there is a disconnection in this aspect, training may not align with the organization’s purpose and values, resulting in low engagement, adherence, and forgetfulness on the part of participants. This occurs because the theme or content was not aligned with what truly matters. No matter how prominent a theme is in the corporate world, if it lacks connection to the company’s reality, it will have no practical value in the results. Also, activities and simulations during training, if not directly connected to participants’ reality, will not convey the necessity of the activity/dynamic.

  3. Beyond Training: Strategic Capabilities and Gradual Changes

    In the context of acquiring and changing behaviors, studies on the brain emphasize the effectiveness of time intervals for knowledge transmission. Instead of adopting the conventional approach of extensive workshops, the most effective strategy would be to implement periodic meetings, allowing participants to assimilate small habits and progressive changes. This approach not only facilitates incorporation but also enables more personalized monitoring of progress and tackling real challenges. By challenging paradigms and viewing training as strategic capabilities, oriented towards cost-effectiveness rather than cost-benefit, leaders and T&D professionals can consistently raise expectations and results, aligning with the dynamic demands of the modern business environment.

In conclusion, in a world that demands increasing effectiveness and assertiveness, it is imperative for companies to keep in mind that customization of solutions is the key to achieving valid results. True effectiveness lies in the synergy between knowledge offering and practical integration, providing an aligned and lasting transformation. By prioritizing the adaptation of strategies to specific needs, organizations not only optimize the impact of their training investments but also ensure a more efficient and effective approach to addressing the constantly evolving challenges of the business environment.

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